Signing an Agreement – Jusoor Project

Thursday 15/7/2021 Signing the partnership contract for the Jusoor project, which Mary will work on in cooperation with the Basic Services Program funded by the US Agency for International Development USAID Middle East The Jusoor project aims to enhance the resilience of local communities in Deir Ezzor by engaging in inclusive dialogues to strengthen relations […]

Summer Camp, Canada

Last weekend Mari launched her summer camp activities for kids in Mississauga, CanadaA variety of activities and psychological support, in addition to teaching skills to children and young people. It is implemented through this initiative      

Community Mediation Committees Network Meeting – Salam Project

Mari organized the first quarterly meeting of the network of community mediation committees within the activities of the Salam project, which five organizations are working on in Deir Ezzor  (Insaf-Fratna-Derna-Sama-Mari) in cooperation with DTI on Saturday 26/6/2021. During this meeting, the results of the study of the conflict factors that Mary is working on were […]

Beneficiary Registration Announcement – Business Development Incubator

Mari Development Organization has launched a business development incubator, where 30 beneficiaries will be targeted from various areas in the western countryside of Deir Ezzor to help them develop their existing businesses in the professions of women’s sewing (15 beneficiaries – women exclusively) and mobile phone maintenance (15 beneficiaries) and incubate these projects. The duration […]

Presidential Elections between the reality and Syrian’s opinions

This study aims to survey the opinions of Syrian citizens residing in the areas controlled by the Syrian Democratic Forces in Deir ez-Zor Governorate about the presidential elections that the Syrian regime announced its intention to hold during May 2021, and the extent of their support for holding those elections under the current circumstances Syria […]

The Reality of Services in Deir Ezzor – NE Syria

The study included interviewing 200 citizens who live in the eastern, northern and western rural areas of Deir Ezzor. interviews were conducted using a questionnaire with closed-ended questions about the available services in the area and the extent of citizen’s satisfaction with these services. Download The study was conducted during November 2020, and it covered […]

An external session to talk about the health reality

Within the activities of active citizens, and to reach more marginalized groups of the population. Mary Development held an outdoor session in Muizilah village to talk about the health situation in Deir Ezzor and to know the opinions of citizens and measure satisfaction about the services provided. Previous Next A large number of IDPs live […]

Vegetable Cultivation Support Project – Media Report

Within the activities of the vegetable cultivation support project implemented by the Mary Development Organization in cooperation with #ALSP in the eastern countryside of Deir Ezzor in Al Shaitat and # Hajin (# Granij – # Hovercraft – # Al Bahra). Field trip Field tours continue to the fields of the beneficiaries to monitor the […]

The importance of community participation for youth

Within the activities of the Youth Forum (Participation), a dialogue session was held on the importance of community participation for youth, with the participation of a number of young women and men in the region at Mary’s office in Al-Sabha. The meeting started by talking about the importance of the role of youth in societies […]